Sensitive teeth are a major problem for many people. More than 80% will experience pain from hot or cold liquids and foods at some point in their life, and about a quarter will experience this sensitivity frequently. The hypersensitivity arises when the dentin of the tooth -- which is normally covered by enamel or gum tissue -- is exposed to the oral environment. Small "tubules" in the dentin can then transmit fluids that excite nerves in the pulp of the tooth, causing pain.
Sensodyne is the No. 1 dentist recommended brand worldwide to treat dentin hypersensitivity. Used every day, Sensodyne relieves sensitive teeth by building a barrier that blocks the pain of hot and cold and keeps it from coming back.

SootheRx Therapy for Sensitive Teeth
SootheRx utilizes NovaMin® (calcium sodium phosphosilicate).
NovaMin is a material that can induce the formation of new hydroxyapatite (crystalline calcium phosphate) which is almost identical to the tooth mineral that is naturally replenished by saliva, the rapid release of mineral-building ions quickly occludes dentin tubules for fast relief from sensitivity, sustained-release, mineral-building ions provide continual relief from sensitivity, pleasant taste and weekly maintenance program enhances compliance.

Orajel® Advanced Tooth Desensitizer
Orajel ® Advanced Tooth Desensitizer is a state-of-the-art treatment that provides significantly faster and longer lasting relief from dentinal hypersensitivity than sensitive teeth toothpastes. Just one treatment of this exciting product (3 applications takes just minutes) relieves pain from sensitive teeth and lasts for up to three months. Easy-to-use Orajel Advanced Tooth Desensitizer is applied to the affected teeth using a convenient unit-dose applicator. People who use Orajel Advanced Tooth Desensitizer are able to continue using their favorite good-tasting family toothpaste.
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