1. Sonicare Elite 9500 Electric Toothbrush
The reason this is the first in my list is because Sonicare Elite 9500 Electric Toothbrush is number-one recommended brand by dental professionals. This electric toothbrush has slim design, angled neck, tapered brush head, contour-fit bristles, and ultra-high bristle speed. I have one of these in my bathroom, and I am very pleased with it. I've tried a lot of electric toothbrushes but this one was the best by far. If you want quality then you should pick this electric electric toothbrush.
Amazon buyers gave it 5 stars:
"Comparing this with Oral-B, Sonicare is more powerful, giving you versitility to move around the mouth. As a man and as a regular guy who has been using the regular tooth bush since childhood, I couln't help moving any electronic tools up and down and left and right in the mouth. With Oral-B, you can't do that, you feel it's not right doing it. But Sonicare makes that easy. I love it. "

2. Oral-B D25526 Triumph 9400 Professional Care Electric Toothbrush
The new FlossAction Brush head with MicroPulse Bristles cleans as effectively as brushing with a manual brush and flossing. Smart Technology displays actual brushing time, tracks charge level, and advises when brush head has passed optimal-cleaning performance.

The Oral-B Sonic Complete electric toothbrush offers 2 brushing modes, a 2-minute timer with 30 second intervals and an ergonomic handle. Includes 1 refill brushhead. Rechargeable, lasting up to 2 weeks on a single charge.

Colorful, flashing lights while you brush. It has a pressure sensitive feature that helps protect teeth and gums from the damaging effects of brushing too hard. Model Number: PT-5RH Smart Sensor technology is a pressure-sensitive feature that turns the brush on with the lightest pressure against the teeth. Quad Action bristle motion combines rotary action with up-and-down movement to clean teeth more thoroughly.

1.6-megahertz wave action to attack bacteria and plaque 5mm below gum line. Includes 3 tongue scrapers and travel charger/case. High sonic frequency and orbitally vibrating method is a unique and patented technology.
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